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Showing posts from May, 2018

Trailer review: Sanju proves Ranbir's acting chops

'I wonder what Zaibunissa Kazi would feel if she saw the trailer for Sanju.''An effort that proves movies are made about celebrities who get away after committing a crime while poor souls like Zaibunissa rot all their lives in prison only for knowing a star like Sanjay Dutt,' says Syed Firdaus Ashraf. from Rediff Movies - Reviews

102 Not Out Review: Rishi Kapoor steals the show

'Rishi Kapoor is what sustains our interest when the humour evaporates and <em>102 Not Out</em> slumps in a cesspool of soppy disclosures and exploited emotions.''The sequence where he walks down memory lane alone is testament to his artistic extensity.''No one makes the viewer vulnerable like Rishi,' says Sukanya Verma. from Rediff Movies - Reviews